Philosophy & Clinical Orientation
My education and experience were traditional, including a thorough grounding in child development and the impact of early experience (attachment patterns, family constellations, and adverse events) on personality and emotional vulnerability and resilience. This training included my own therapy and years of supervision. I am flexible with my interactions with patients and feel privileged to have the opportunity to help.
My early years included a broad range of clinical settings. I was the consultant psychologist to two preschool groups. I was the psychologist to an elementary school. For several years I worked in a residential treatment program and helped establish an animal assisted and music program for autistic children.
More recently I practiced adult psychotherapy, sometimes brief but also long term insight oriented. I have experience with unipolar and bipolar depression, anxiety disorders, and sexual dysfunctions. I have worked with couples and individuals who are LGBTQ. I tend to eschew labels and diagnosis since people rarely fit strict categories - so I prefer to say that if you are distressed and it is interfering with your life, then therapy is worth considering.
B.A. University of Pennsylvania 1970
M.A. Temple University Psychology Department
Post-Masters Certification in School Psychology Millersville University 1978
EdD Fairleigh Dickinson University 1985 Dissertation “Social Role Ascription and Menstrual Symptomatology at Menarche”.
Institute For Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 1993
Louise Sandler’s Preschool Center Franklin Institute 1977-78
One Year Internship Neuropsychology Graduate Hospital 1983-84
Philadelphia, PA
Licensed in PA & VA